In my previous posts, i have already mentioned few of the new and exciting features that will be added in the next update. But that's not all, there are quite a lot of new things to be added in the next update. So let's look for what's new in Season 3 of Call Of Duty Mobile. So let's first talk about the most expected additions i.e Characters . The new update will bring a lot of new characters to the table and they are quite catchy to look at. PROPHET There will be two skins under this character namely PROPHET - MANTIS and PROPHET - ARCHANGEL . Both of these skins look really nice. Archangel have a sort of mechanical look with red and white colours,while the mantis skin have greenish colour. FTL1 KRYSTOF HEJEK MERC 5 - YELLOW SNAKE SERAPH - FREAK SHOW BATTERY - VALENTINE Now let's have a look at the Patch Notes for Season 3 of COD Mobile. PATCH NOTES MAPS Scrapyard Cage New Mode Ultra Fire (MP) - A quick a...